Gloria Schmitz

This is a photo of a MAIA alumnae This is a photo of a MAIA alumnae

About Gloria

Gloria Schmitz is a spring 2018 University of Miami Master of Arts in International Administration (MAIA) graduate. She obtained her bachelor’s degree at the University Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Gloria received a Bachelor of Arts in Governance and Global Health in 2015. During her time at the University of Miami, Gloria acted as a graduate research and teaching assistant for the Department of Health Sector Management and Policy. She participated in the Graduate Student Association as a senator representing the MAIA program. Gloria also participated as a member in the University of Miami Scuba Club. She plans on entering the field of international climate change governance. Gloria is currently working on her Ph.D. at Northeastern University's School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs, researching the effects of climate change on cities.

Q&A With Gloria

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  • What made you decide to pursue a graduate education?

    Pursuing a graduate education was always something that I had wanted to do.  After working one year in the industry after my bachelor’s degree, I knew that it was time to return to school for a graduate degree.

  • How did you discover the MAIA program, and what factors influenced your decision to enroll in the MAIA program?

    When I was in high school, my mother had an academic conference down at the University of Miami.  She brought me down with her and I fell in love with the campus.  I knew that someday I would come back for a degree program.  While looking at master’s programs online, I saw the MAIA program listed and decided to apply. 

    What influenced my decision to enroll was how welcomed I felt into the program.  It allowed me to choose my own topic of research and gave me flexibility in taking elective courses to fit my secondary interest of public health.  It was the perfect fit for me!

  • What was your favorite thing about the MAIA program?

    My favorite thing about the MAIA program was its interdisciplinary nature.  I really enjoyed taking graduate-level coursework in multiple disciplines.  After the program, I feel very confident in a plethora of academic disciplines!

  • How has your MAIA degree played a role in your career?

    MAIA has given me the determination to continue on in academic research and study.  This program has inspired me to pursue a Ph.D. and to research global topics that can someday make a difference in the international arena.

  • What advice would you give to a student considering the MAIA program?

    I would advise a prospective student to look closely into the program by talking with the program staff and faculty to get a better feel for the program.  Also, come in to observe a class if you are in the area.  Everyone in the department is so kind, supportive, and helpful.  If an interdisciplinary, globally-focused degree is what you seek, then MAIA is the right place for you!
