
A stock photo of the Human Rights Campaign building. A stock photo of the Human Rights Campaign building.
The University of Miami’s Master of Arts in International Administration (MAIA) program is a graduate degree designed to prepare students for careers in the administration of public and private organizations. The MAIA program also offers five unique concentrations for students to pursue, including two certificate options. There is also a flexible general concentration and hybrid options are available.

MAIA with Certificate in Security Management

This concentration provides a Certificate in Security Management and the MAIA degree. This combined academic offering is designed to prepare administrators to meet multidimensional security challenges in the post-9/11 world. From threats posed by violent human actions to natural disasters and data security, management in times of acute crisis demands a unique array of insights and skills. This concentration is grounded in the academic, theoretical, understanding of security problems and emergency management strategies. It also emphasizes the development of the practitioner’s arts within the strategic, tactical, and operational realms of security administration. The concentration in Security Management includes summer courses and can be completed in one calendar year.

Accordion Group

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  • Core - 18 Credits

    • IGS 610 - Intelligence and National Security
    • IGS 611 - International Organizations Masters Project
    • IGS 612 - International Administration and Social Entrepreneurship
    • IGS 613 - Global Cultures: Religion, Communication, Security
    • IGS 614 - World Affairs and Diplomacy
    • IGS 615 - International Political Economy

  • Security Management - 12 Credits

    Required Security Management courses: 

    • IGS 644 - Energy Security and Environmental Sustainability
    • IGS 645 - Human Security: Prevention and Mitigation
    • IGS 646 - Civil Security Preparedness and Management
    • IGS 647 - Disasters and Humanitarian Assistance

MAIA with Certificate in Geospatial Technology

This concentration provides a Certificate in Geospatial Technology and the MAIA degree. This combined academic offering is designed to benefit students who seek to enhance their skills in geospatial technology, especially Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and satellite remote sensing. Students who earn a Geospatial Technology Certificate will enhance employment prospects and/or advance their careers in geospatial technology, particularly in job settings that stress the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and satellite remote sensing.

Accordion Group

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  • Core - 15 Credits

    • IGS 610 - Intelligence and National Security
    • IGS 611 - International Organizations Masters Project
    • IGS 612 - International Administration and Social Entrepreneurship
    • IGS 613 - Global Cultures: Religion, Communication, Security
    • IGS 614 - World Affairs and Diplomacy

  • Geospatial Technology - 12 Credits

    Required Geospatial Technology courses:

    • GEG 691 - Geographic Information Systems I
    • GEG 692 - Remote Sensing of the Environment
    • GEG 693 - Geographic Information Systems II
    • GEG 695 - Web Geographic Information Systems (or an equivalent)

  • GIS Practicum - 3 Credits

    Students must choose one of the courses below. Students will require a member of the GIS core faculty to oversee the capstone project or internship:

    • IGS 618 - Internship in International Administration
    • IGS 820 - Research in Residence

MAIA - Risk Communications Concentration

The MAIA concentration in Risk Communication, offered with the cooperation of the School of Communication, prepares students to work in leadership positions involving strategic crisis communication, public health emergencies, data management and decision-making. 

Accordion Group

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  • Core - 18 Credits

    • IGS 610 - Intelligence and National Security
    • IGS 611 - International Organizations Masters Project
    • IGS 612 - International Administration and Social Entrepreneurship
    • IGS 613 - Global Cultures: Religion, Communication, Security
    • IGS 614 - World Affairs and Diplomacy
    • IGS 615 - International Political Economy

  • Risk Communications - 3 Credits

    This is a required course, and a prerequisite course for all other STC courses: 

    • STC 620 - Public Relations Fundamentals

  • Risk Communications Electives - 6 Credits

    Choose two of the elective courses below:

    • STC 621 - Writing for Public Relations
    • STC 622 - Design in Public Relations
    • STC 623 - Crisis Communications and Management
    • STC 624 - Media Relations

  • Elective - 3 Credits

    Students may choose to complete an internship, capstone, research project, or take an elective from one of MAIA’s affiliated departments.

MAIA - Health Equity and Human Rights Concentration

The MAIA concentration in Health Equity and Human Rights, offered with the cooperation of the School of Education and Human Development, prepares students for leadership positions in non-profit, government, and health sectors to analyze health inequalities across global borders and within countries, as well as develop relief plans and operationalize humanitarian aid. The concentration in Health Equity and Human Rights includes summer courses and can be completed in one calendar year.

Accordion Group

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  • Core - 18 Credits

    • IGS 610 - Intelligence and National Security
    • IGS 611 - International Organizations Masters Project
    • IGS 612 - International Administration and Social Entrepreneurship
    • IGS 613 - Global Cultures: Religion, Communication, Security
    • IGS 614 - World Affairs and Diplomacy
    • IGS 615 - International Political Economy

  • Health Equity and Human Rights - 6 Credits

    These are required Health Equity and Human Rights courses:

    • IGS 645 - Human Security: Prevention and Mitigation
    • IGS 647 - Disasters and Humanitarian Assistance

  • Health Equity and Human Rights Electives - 6 Credits

    Choose two of the courses below:

    • GHS 601 – Social Cultural Foundations of Global Health
    • GHS 610 – Hospital Ethnography
    • GHS 612 – People, Plagues, and Pandemics
    • GHS 640 – Global Health Response to Disasters
    • GIS 618 – Internship in International Administration
    • GIS 820 – Research in Residence 
    • EPS 625 – Program Evaluation
    • EPS 626 – Multicultural Communities in a Globalized Society

MAIA - International Crime and Justice Concentration

The MAIA concentration in International Crime and Justice, offered with the cooperation of the Department of Sociology and Criminology prepares students to address the nature and impact of the growing challenges of international crime, including comparative policing, counterterrorism, and human trafficking.

Accordion Group

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  • Core - 12 Credits

    • IGS 610 – Intelligence and National Security 
    • IGS 611 – International Organizations Masters Project
    • IGS 613 – Global Cultures: Religion, Communication, Security
    • IGS 614 – World Affairs and Diplomacy

  • Criminology & Criminal Justice Courses - 6 Credits

    These are required Criminology & Criminal Justice Courses: 

    • SOC 673 – The Criminal Justice System
    • SOC 677 – Criminology and Public Policy

  • International Crime and Justice Electives - 9 Credits

    Choose three courses from the following:

    • IGS 615 - International Political Economy
    • IGS 645 - Human Security: Prevention and Mitigation
    • IGS 646 - Civil Security Management
    • SOC 670 - Theories in Criminology and Criminal Justice
    • SOC 674 - Seminar on Policing 
    • SOC 683 - Comparative Criminal Justice Systems

  • Practicum - 3 Credits

    Students must choose one of the following:

    • IGS 618 - Internship in International Administration 
    • IGS 820 - Research in Residence 
    • SOC 791 - Graduate Internship and Paper

MAIA – No Concentration

The MAIA General Concentration provides an opportunity for students to choose to explore a plan of study that meets their own personal academic goals. The flexible selection of courses allows for a tailored experience among many graduate course offerings (with director approval). For example, a student may elect to take classes from the MPA or MPP program. A student may also pick a variety of classes from each of the other listed MAIA concentrations. 

Accordion Group

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  • MAIA Core Courses - 18 Credits

    • IGS 610 - Intelligence and National Security 
    • IGS 611 - international Organizations Masters Project (Master's Project) 
    • IGS 612 - International Administration and Social Entrepeneurship
    • IGS 613 - Global Cultures: Religion, Communication, and Security 
    • IGS 614 - World Affairs and Diplomacy
    • IGS 615 - International Political Economy 


  • Electives - 12 Credits

    Students may choose a mix of courses from either one area of concentration or a variety of concentrations with approval of the director. 

MAIA – Independent Concentration

While selecting a concentration is encouraged, MAIA students may also declare their own concentration by creating their own plan of study and customizing the selection of elective credits required to complete their graduate degree. In order to apply for the Independent concentration, students must enter the MAIA program with a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.5 or higher and be in good academic standing and their proposed must be approved by the MAIA program director and the student’s Guidance Committee.

Accordion Group

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  • MAIA Core Courses - 18 Credits

    • IGS 610 - Intelligence and National Security 
    • IGS 611 - international Organizations Masters Project (Master's Project) 
    • IGS 612 - International Administration and Social Entrepeneurship
    • IGS 613 - Global Cultures: Religion, Communication, and Security 
    • IGS 614 - World Affairs and Diplomacy
    • IGS 615 - International Political Economy 


  • Electives - 12 Credits

    Electives must be approved by the student's Guidance Committee.
